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来自议员的声音 — 省议员EFFIE就武汉冠状病毒的政府通报

发表在 2020-1-27 11:58 来自PC 复制链接 手机看帖 扫一扫!手机看帖更爽 0 8942



- 一旦检测到病人,便立即将他们隔离。护理人员和医院都采取了所有适当的感染预防和 控制措施。一切都在系统的正常运行之中。

- 多伦多公共卫生部门正在进行病例和与病人接触的任何有风险的联系人管理数据,安省政府以及公共卫生部门也正在积极的与联邦政府保持紧密联系,以帮助确定航班上其他个人所面临的风险。

-  最近,为了加强全省监测任何冠状病毒病例的能力,卫生厅增加了新的冠状病毒研究专科,将其作为安大略省公共卫生法例中应报告的指定疾病。

-  安省在发生病例以来,迅速生效相关病案协议和处理程序,得以快速查明和妥善处理。并立即颁布了保护医护人员和公众的条例。

- 安省拥有健全的诊治流程,熟练的临床医生和敬业的卫生工作者,可以安全有效地识别和管理此病例以及未来的任何病例。

- 我们在医院内设有专门的部门,专门处理此类情况。

- 为了帮助教育安大略省人关于武汉新型冠状病毒的知识,他们如何保护自己以及怀疑自己可能处于危险之中该怎么办,安省保守党政府立即启动了专门的网页:http://ontario.ca/coronavirus


如果您有任何关于武汉冠性病毒的疑虑和问题,请联系24小时健康热线: 1-866-797-0000



以上信息由Oakville North-Burlington省议员选民办公室提供。

Effie Triantafilopoulos,MPP
Oakville North –Burlington

2525 Old Bronte Road Oakville, ON L6M 4J2
Office: (905) 825-2455
Facebook: EffieONB
Twitter: Effie_ONB

January 27, 2020


Coronavirus Protocol

As you aware, yesterday, Dr. David Williams, Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health, announced Ontario’s first presumptive confirmed case of Wuhan novel coronavirus in Toronto. News Release: Ontario Confirms First Case of Wuhan Novel Coronavirus. 2nd presumptive case of coronavirus confirmed in Ontario today. describing the patient as the wife of Ontario’s first victim, a man in his 50s currently recovering in Toronto’s Sunnybrook hospital.

Since learning about the outbreak of the Wuhan novel coronavirus in China, Ontario has been actively monitoring to quickly detect and contain any cases of the Wuhan novel coronavirus.

- Once the individual was detected, they were immediately put into isolation. All appropriate infection prevention and control measures were followed by both paramedics and the hospital. The system is working.

- Toronto Public Health is conducting case and contact management and Ontario is in touch with our federal counterparts to help determine exposure to other individuals on the flights.

- Recently, to strengthen the province's ability to monitor any coronavirus cases, the Ministry of Health added novel coronavirus as a designated disease reportable under Ontario's public health legislation.

- Because of this, and other protocol and procedures that Ontario has in effect, the case was quickly identified and protocols for protection of health care workers and the public was immediately enacted.

- Ontario has robust processes in place, skilled clinicians and dedicated health workers to identify and manage this and any future cases safely and effectively.

- We have specialized units within our hospitals to deal specifically with these types of cases when they arise.

- Everyone should take comfort in knowing that our skilled health care providers are bringing their considerable experience to effectively monitor and respond to this emerging situation.

- To help educate Ontarians about Wuhan novel coronavirus, how they can protect themselves and what to do if they suspect they may be at risk, the province has launched a dedicated web page: http://ontario.ca/coronavirus

- We will continue to diligently monitor this situation to ensure that Ontario continues to be prepared to identify, contain and treat any potential cases of this virus.

If pressed on second case...

- We’ve long said that the Wuhan novel coronavirus is transmitted through close contact. There’s no closer contact than a husband and wife. In that respect, it’s not at all surprising that the second confirmed case would be the wife of the first case.

- Since arriving in Toronto with her husband, this individual has been in self isolation. She will remain in isolation.

- The Public Health Agency of Canada, Ontario and Toronto Public Health are all working directly alongside each other to activate and execute comprehensive plans to contain the virus.

If you have any concerns and questions please call 24/7 help by phone: 1-866-797-0000

Effie Triantafilopoulos,MPP
Oakville North –Burlington

2525 Old Bronte Road Oakville, ON L6M 4J2
Office: (905) 825-2455
Facebook: EffieONB
Twitter: Effie_ONB

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