Jane 发表于 2020-2-7 23:42:24

Burlington有美园 - Itabashi Garden

(Richard Mandelkorn Photography)

2019年Burlington庆祝与日本Itabashi City成为姐妹城市30周年。

Itabashi花园座落在Tansley Woods Community Centre后院,1996 Itabashi Way, Burlington. 2018年动工,2019年7月1日对外开放。设计的灵感来自日本板桥区的花园特点和Burlington地区的景观,包括石崖和本地植物。


We're very excited to announce that our Itabashi Garden has won a prestigious award of excellence from Parks and Recreation Ontario ! The garden is located at Tansley Woods Community Centre, 1996 Itabashi Way. Be sure to check it out – any season!)

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